travel insurance pre-existing conditions

Travel Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions

by Lawrence Ferron

Welcome to Your Trusted Source for Travel Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions

At, we understand the unique challenges faced by Canadians with pre-existing health conditions when it comes to securing travel insurance. Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive travel insurance coverage, allowing you to travel with peace of mind, knowing you’re protected against unforeseen medical expenses and emergencies.

Challenges Faced by travellers with Pre-Existing Conditions

Many Canadians encounter significant obstacles when trying to obtain travel insurance due to their medical history. Pre-existing conditions often lead to denials or limitations in coverage, presenting travellers with a difficult choice: risk financial stability by travelling without insurance or forgo their travel plans entirely. At, we believe neither option is acceptable, which is why we strive to bridge this gap in the insurance industry.

Understanding Medical Stability Periods

One major hurdle for those with pre-existing conditions is the requirement for a medically stable period before travelling. This period, typically ranging from three to twelve months, requires no changes in the health condition or medications. Failing to meet this criterion can nullify your policy, leaving you without coverage during unfortunate incidents, for example, if you are travelling after a stroke. We recognize the frustration and limitations this poses and offer you a better alternative.’s Comprehensive Coverage is a leading Canadian insurance provider specialising in travel insurance for pre-existing conditions. Our unique approach uses proprietary medical assessment technology, allowing us to offer coverage for over 2,000 medical conditions. We believe that having a pre-existing condition shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your travel experiences to the fullest.

No Medical Stability Period Requirement

Unlike traditional travel insurance policies, does not impose medical stability period limitations or exclusions. We understand that your health can change, and we want to ensure you remain protected regardless of recent developments in your health status or medications. With us, you can embark on your journeys with confidence, knowing you have comprehensive coverage specifically designed to meet your needs.

Comparison with Standard Travel Insurance Policies

Pricing Differences’s Policies: We evaluate every applicant based on their personal characteristics such as age, health, and trip duration, and their premium is determined accordingly.

Standard Policies: Individuals are grouped together based on age, health, and trip duration ranges. Everyone in a group pays the same premium, with younger, healthier individuals often subsidising older, less healthy individuals. This disadvantages some group members while providing an advantage to others.

Stability Period Requirements’s Policies: Policies do not have a stability clause requirement. All pre-existing medical conditions that exist at the time you obtain your policy will be covered, regardless of their stability, as long as you fully and accurately disclose them when applying for coverage.

Standard Policies: These include a stability clause requiring pre-existing conditions to be stable for a specific period prior to applying for insurance—usually 90, 120, or 180 days. Conditions that have not been stable for the required period are excluded from coverage, meaning medical attention related to an excluded condition will not be covered.

Coverage for Significant Medical Conditions’s Policies: Individuals with significant medical conditions may be eligible for coverage, depending on the conditions and risk. Policy premiums will reflect the risk associated with those conditions.

Standard Policies: Applicants with significant medical conditions are often found ineligible for coverage during the application process, leaving them without travel medical insurance.

Benefits for Different Types of travellers

Travellers with Minor Health Issues

Relatively healthy travellers can save money with policies, as premiums are determined exclusively based on their own health and medical conditions. Unlike standard policies, where premiums are averaged across a group, healthier individuals won’t subsidise the premiums of those with more serious health conditions.

Travellers with Unstable Medical Conditions

For those with pre-existing medical conditions that have not been stable for the required period under standard policies, offers a significant advantage. Our policies cover pre-existing conditions regardless of stability, provided full and accurate disclosure during the application. This ensures coverage for medical issues related to these conditions while travelling.

Travellers with Significant or Difficult-to-Insure Medical Conditions

Individuals with serious medical conditions often face denial from standard travel insurance providers. offers coverage for some travellers with significant conditions, even if they have been denied by other providers. While premiums may be higher, the assurance of coverage is invaluable.

Trusted Partnerships

At, we understand the importance of collaborating with reputable insurance providers. That’s why we have partnered with leading companies such as Manulife and AIG, ensuring you receive top-tier service and financial security throughout your travels. is dedicated to providing you with the travel insurance coverage you deserve. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in navigating the complexities of insurance and finding a policy tailored to your unique needs.

Steps to Apply:

  • Visit our quote page.
  • Complete the online application, providing accurate and detailed information about your medical conditions.
  • Receive your personalised travel insurance policy, designed to offer comprehensive coverage.

Personalised Assistance:

  • Call our customer service team for personalised support.
  • Explore our range of single-trip and annual multi-trip plans.
  • Start your journey toward worry-free travel today and explore the world with confidence. Trust for comprehensive coverage tailored to Canadians with pre-existing conditions.

Conclusion is committed to providing comprehensive travel insurance for Canadians with pre-existing health conditions. Don’t let a pre-existing condition limit your travel dreams. Choose for the peace of mind you need to travel confidently.

Author: Lawrence Ferron

With over twenty-five years of experience in financial services, Lawrence Ferron had held senior executive positions at leading Canadian financial institutions. Prior to founding Clear Compare insurance, he was Vice President and Head of Product & Marketing for Manulife’s direct-to-consumer Insurance division.

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